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30_aniv_owh_1988 by steve on Scribd 30th Anniversary from Omaha World Herald - June 13, 1983
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Omahaworks Quality Month 1998 by steve on Scribd
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Weoma Show 1 by steve on Scribd
First WEOMA Music Club Show on Auditorium Stage
Older - 1970's - ? Employee Company Pass - former employees name and confidential information erased.
End of an era....WOWT news link "click" on image to open up Omaha World Herald link
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235234016-Untitled by steve on Scribd
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Letter and Ticket from then plant Manager - John Heindel in 1993 for all plant "retirees", usually numbered in attendance of HUNDREDS, and it was at no cost....yet you called and confirmed reservations as the letter stated.