External links of other news sources and information provide by ...
This information was provide by Steve Dormer - a 201x retiree from then Commscope. I apprecaite his assistance in finding information about our "corporate family history" and other plants other then the Omaha Works. During Omaha's Works history some people and their jobs did tranfer to Omaha Works. Those employees might remember their local paper and the news about that event in their lives. Having these available make this site more interesting ...in that we were at once ONE HUGE FAMILY ...
JUST click on the article below - it should open a new page and go to that site.
These are pieces of news information retrieved from other articles posted to the world wide web. I've provide the known links, in hope it might have information (old as it may be) about another plant or other news about the previous "Ma Bell System" of then Western Electric, AT&T, Lucent or Avaya.
NEWEST addition posted at the bottom..
it's really all old news ...
yet interesting
These are pieces of news information retrieved from other articles posted to the world wide web. I've provide the known links, in hope it might have information (old as it may be) about another plant or other news about the previous "Ma Bell System" of then Western Electric, AT&T, Lucent or Avaya.
NEWEST addition posted at the bottom..
it's really all old news ...
yet interesting
This site even sells older vintage newspaper or corporate flyer information for a price...most years, and things you might have found in newsprint magazines at the times or corporate advertising flyers?
This site takes you to the "Hawthorne Works Museum" - it might have some of the Omaha Works - telephone display items or other things saved from the CommScope takeover back in 200x
NYTimes article about Kearny Works:
In January of 1983 The Western Electric Company, the huge manufacturing and supply arm of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, said yesterday that it would shut down its
Kearny, N.J., plant, eliminating 4,000 jobs.
In January of 1983 The Western Electric Company, the huge manufacturing and supply arm of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, said yesterday that it would shut down its
Kearny, N.J., plant, eliminating 4,000 jobs.
UPI article about the closing of Baltimore Works:
Article on the secrecy of the site selection for the Oklahoma City Works:
Western Electric retirees in Kearny, NJ still get together:
And from the local - Fremont, NE newspaper...this article was found:
Current article on Western Electric Shreveport Works
Western Electric gets absorbed into ....
Hawthorne Works...The History
If you wish to download the file or have an iPad - this PDF files will assist that request
Hawthorne Works History by steve on Scribd