Found issues of a past publication from our corporate parent in the 80-90's
A publication for the retired AT&T Employees - unsure of the duration of the publication or distribution length.
Unsure who got this publication.
For iPad users or to download a file directly....use the file name next to this line of text
AT&T Encore Fall 1987 Retirees by steve on Scribd
For iPad users or to download a file directly....use the file name next to this line of text
AT&T Encore Fall 1988 by steve on Scribd
For iPad users or to download a file directly....use the file name next to this line of text
AT&T Encore Spring 1989 by steve on Scribd
For iPad users or to download a file directly....use the file name next to this line of text
AT&T Encore 1st Quarter 1995 by steve on Scribd
For iPad users or to download a file directly....use the file name next to this line of text
AT&T Encore 3rd Quarter 1995 by steve on Scribd